Humility: A Humble, Anarchistic Inquiry


In this new pamphlet, Zingerman’s co-founder Ari Weinzweig shares his two-year-long inquiry into how the gentle art of humility can bring out our humanness, elevate organizational effectiveness, enhance leadership, and enrich quality of life.

Humility, Ari suggests, is subtle, but significant. While it may be easy to miss in the moment, in the long run it’s hugely important to our health and humanity. As Ari writes:

“Mozart once said, ‘The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.’ Humility fits that frame. It’s the space between the sounds. The whisper between the words. The energy between the egos. Humility is both ethereal and essential. Like great music, it’s hard to measure—and often goes past unnoticed by casual listeners. But if we pay close attention, we can begin to benefit from the beauty and grace that humility brings to the world.”

As he usually does in his writing, Ari weaves together the insights of business leaders, anarchist authors, artists, poets, philosophers, and historians to show the positive impact humility can have in all aspects of our lives. Emita Hill, author, and former Vice President at Lehman College, City University of New York, says:

“Author already of numerous books on aspects of leadership—recognized internationally for his own leadership, his creativity, his humanity—what I applaud here and throughout Ari’s work is the sense that he’s always seeking, always studying, always reflecting, always raising the bar for himself and for others. And, as in this essay, always reaching out and sharing his thoughts with anyone ready to learn and eager to become ‘ever more effective leaders.'”
